05 October 2019 |
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The Charles Hotel, Munich – Chef Michael Hüsken

Maybe you will enjoy the food you taste inside the bright Sophia restaurant, seated on the ground floor of Charles Hotel in Munich, from the beginning. But if you get to know Chef Michael Husken, then for sure you will fall in love with the place. Chef Michael has the power to convince you that the Bavarian kitchen is maybe more Italian and more open to new ideas than any other culinary destination you would ever consider. „Generally, cooking with local ingredients is becoming more and more popular in Munich. Moreover, Munich is also called as the northeast city of Italy and therefore the Italian cuisine is very popular here. There is also a trend for the Asian cuisine. For me quality and sustainability are the most important. I like to offer our guests the best seasonal products from our region. I use however some products from other countries that are not available in Germany, but only if I am convinced they are of the highest quality.”

The full story in MISTERWATCH No. 2 printed October edition 2019