24 July 2020 |
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Metaxa Grande Fine for 2020, a collectible Greek emotion designed by artist Cacao Rocks

Metaxa’s collector’s edition known as Grande Fine and uniquely presented inside a white porcelain decanter has all the attributes to be considered a piece of modern art. The world has now the chance to own a piece of Greek emotion imagined by the contemporary street artist Cacao Rocks.

Metaxa is so much more than one may think just by hearing its name. It is a Greek legend started by Spyros Metaxa in 1888 that magically continues to blend the natural sweetness of Muscat aged wines from Samos island with Mediterranean herbs following a unique secret recipe. Grande Fine is a special interpretation launched by the House of Metaxa where the special notes of the one-of-a-kind spirit have are placed a white porcelain decanter meant to carry also a visual message of Greece all over the world.

For this year Metaxa Grande Fine made a step towards the modern generation of Greek artists. The white pure porcelain decanter welcomes the vision of young street creator Yassonas Megoulas, known as Cacao Rocks. An artist in so many ways, Yassonas is already recognised worldwide for his brilliant imagination. Instead of drawing maybe a graffiti inspired theme from the future, the artist went to his grandfather’s early days to look for inspiration. His grandfather, French, discovered Greece before WW2 and fell in love with Greek culture and tradition. He travelled to the Cyclades islands and especially in Mikonos he took hundreds of photos trying to take back with him a glimpse of the architecture and lifestyle he found there.

One century later, Cacao Rocks treasures the photos he inherited from his grandfather and considers them as part of his creative force. So when invited by Metaxa to paint the porcelain decanter he just knew how his work of art will look like. He took his camera and remade the original photos. Then he put all the visuals together and came up with a complete Greek emotion, one where you can find the windmills of Mykonos and other symbols of the Cyclades. And above the mystic lines, Cacao Rocks added his three most favourite colours: white for the Cyclades architecture, blue for the Aegean Sea and gold for the sun.

When you want to fully understand the world of Metaxa, you have to read the story of Spyros Metaxa. You have to follow his footsteps on the cool and magic Samos island and arriving in our days you need to spend a minute to explore the taste crafted by Constantinos Raptis, the Metaxa Master, the fifth since the creation of the House. And then, when you feel like collecting a piece of Metaxa art, you bring home the white porcelain decanter of Metaxa Grand Fine.

Buy Metaxa Grande Fine here