05 June 2019 |
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The Legacy of Apollo 11 Mission

Strapped to the equipment of the astronauts writing the world’s history, Omega Speedmaster Professional became the first watch worn on the moon. 50 years ago, on the 21st of July 1969, at 2:56 UTC.

The Apollo 11 Mission remains the time to consecrate the story of Omega Speedmaster forever. The model had been launched since 1957 and, given the strength of the construction, it was already known among US Air Force pilots. Moreover, in 1962, the watch had reached Earth’s orbit as a personal object of one of the astronauts. Just that, only after the selection and testing by NASA, Speedmaster was officially declared “Flight Qualified for all Manned Space Missions” on the 1st of March 1965.

The full story in MISTERWATCH No. 1 printed June edition 2019.