24 December 2023 |
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To be well dressed represents the ultimate form of self respect.

Just think about it. Especially in the world of luxury where people without any personal value grasp desperately to the value of the objects they afford to buy

Having the right image matching your style and attitude, moment and real value represents the ultimate luxury that will always out shadow any watch or car. Enter a room with the best look and you will receive the right attention. Have the proper combination of pants and jacket or the well tailored suit and you will fly over any automotive “statement” be it even a Porsche or a Ferrari.

Moreover, the classic codes of clothing elegance are about good taste and less about brands.  A blue suit following your size beats any complicated Patek Philippe when your audience is there to actually “read” your real value and not the “potential” of selling you the most expensive table. Try one day the power of a careful combination of pants, “dolce vita” and a velvet jacket. It will make you feel more confident than driving a Rolls-Royce and you can do it even if you are not ready to spend 300.000 euros. Put it this way and I believe that to be well dressed it is the most accessible form of accessing the upper level of refinement.

For sure, it represents the ultimate form of self respect.